--- title: Week #3 (Oct 2) :: ARM Architecture toc: no ... 教材 ---------- * `Introduction to ARM Architecture`_ - `ARM Conditional Execution`_,以 C 程式來說: .. code-block:: prettyprint if (z == 1) R1 = R2 + (R3 * 4) 對應的 ARM 組合語言為 .. code-block:: prettyprint addeqs r1, r2, r3, lsl #2 * `ARM Cortex-M3 Introduction`_ * `quadruped robot 先期研究`_ Object-Oriented Programming in Kernel ------------------------------------------------------ * `Object-oriented design patterns in the kernel (1)`_ * `Object-oriented design patterns in the kernel (2)`_ 作業觀摩 ------------- * `Lab 31`_ * `Lab 32`_ 作業須知 (Lab-33) ---------------- * 作業描述: `Lab 33: GDB + FreeRTOS`_ * 截止日期: - Oct 11, 2014 (含) 之前 作業開發經驗分享 -------------- http://www.slideshare.net/hirokiht/arm-developement