--- title: Week #4 (Mar 17) :: ARM Exceptions/Interrupts toc: no ... 教材 ------- * `ARM Cortex-M3 Introduction`_ (概念) - `ARM Cortex-M3`_ (詳細解說) - `Assembly language programming: ARM Cortex-M3`_ * 共筆: `FreeRTOS`_ * `淺談優先權,從 ARM Cortex-M 到 FreeRTOS 設定`_ - 什麼是 Interrupt? - NVIC (Nested vectored interrupt controller) - ARM Cortex-M 每個 Exception 都有自己的優先權 - 不同架構有不同數量的優先權 - FreeRTOS 的優先權 - FreeRTOS 的 Tick/Timer * `Introduction: the ARM Cortex-M3 Exception / Interrupt`_ - `Interrupt-Driven Input/Output`_ * Interrupt vectors and vector table * Interrupt masks and priorities * NVIC * STM32F4 external interrupt signals 作業須知 (Lab-40) ---------------- * 作業描述: Lab 40 * 截止日期: Mar 28, 2015 (含) 之前