--- title: Lab4: RTOS and MCU toc: no ... 預期目標 ------- * 搭配[第三周](/embedded/2012w3)、[第四周](/embedded/2012w4)與[第五周](/embedded/2012w4)課程進度 * 反省前三次作業的實做並探討可能的改進機會 教學影片觀賞 ---------- - [開放教材/嵌入式系統導論](http://ocw.nctu.edu.tw/course_detail_3.php?bgid=9&gid=0&nid=246#.UHzse3alYs2), 交大資工/曹孝櫟教授 * Introduction to ARM architecture and extension bus * Introduction to Embedded Software - [EE192C - Embedded Systems Engineering](http://www.cmax.net/ee192c-0708/), Max Klein, Stanford University * Lecture 9: Real Time Systems. Interrupts (IRQ and ISR). Timers. Pulse-width modulation (PWM) * Lecture 10: IRQ and PWM Follow-up. AVR-SCPNT Development Boards. Real Time Operating Systems. Intro to FreeRTOS: Task Creation. * Lecture 11: IRQ updates. Intro to FreeRTOS: Delays, Queues. * Lecture 12: Intro to FreeRTOS: Semaphores. Beginning of Hardware section of class 作業 ---- - 持續改進 [Lab-2](/embedded/Lab2) 與 [Lab-3](/embedded/Lab3) * 初步評分會在 Oct 22 進行,務必在該日中午前提交到 GitCafe 上,否則零分計算 - 簡述撰寫 Labs 作業與開放課程學習的心得,寄件到 ,並且預約面談時間 (已約談過者,可忽略) * 信件標題標題: “[Labs]” 開頭,後面加學號與姓名