--- title: STM32F429 toc: no categories: ARM, STM32, stm32f4, embedded, cortex-m4 ... 說明 ------ 國立成功大學資訊工程系/所自 2012 年,開設一系列[嵌入式系統相關課程](/embedded/schedule),選定 STM32 硬體作為教材,過程中師生共同撰寫技術文件、範例程式碼、工具程式、作業系統核心,以及具體而微的專案,這些都以開放內容、開放原始碼的形式釋出,一方面希望社會各界能夠給予批評指教,另一方面也希望讓學生們日後有更多的選擇機會。 技術文件 ------------- * [STM32 程式開發流程:以 GNU Toolchain 為例](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ygl6cEGPXUffhTJE0K6B8zEtGmIuIdCjlZBkFlijUaE/edit) * 硬體週邊介紹和驅動方式: [GPIO](/embedded/GPIO), [USART](/embedded/USART), [ADC](/embedded/ADC), [RTC](/embedded/RTC), [PWM](/embedded/PWM), [USB](/embedded/USB), [SPI](/embedded/SPI), [I2C](/embedded/I2C), [Flash](/embedded/Flash), [SDIO](/embedded/SDIO), [CAN](/embedded/CAN) STM32F429 Discovery 開發板 -------------------------- ![](/embedded/STM32F429I-DISCO.jpg) * 官方訓練教材: [STM32F429 CombinedModules](/embedded/STM32F429-CombinedModules.pdf) (必讀!) * STM32F429ZIT6 microcontroller featuring 2 MB of Flash memory, 256 KB of RAM in an LQFP144 package * On-board ST-LINK/V2 with selection mode switch to use the kit as a standalone * ST-LINK/V2 (with SWD connector for programming and debugging) * Board power supply: through the [USB](/embedded/USB) bus or from an external 3 V or 5 V supply voltage * 2.4" QVGA TFT LCD * SDRAM 64 Mbits * L3GD20, ST MEMS motion sensor, 3-axis digital output gyroscope * Six LEDs: - LD1 (red/green) for USB communication - LD2 (red) for 3.3 V power-on - Two user LEDs:LD3 (green), LD4 (red) - Two USB OTG LEDs:LD5 (green) VBUS and LD6 (red) OC (over-current) * Two pushbuttons (user and reset) * USB OTG with micro-AB connector * Extension header for LQFP144 I/Os for a quick connection to the prototyping board and an easy probing 硬體腳位配置 ------------- * 請先閱讀 [General-purpose Input/Output (GPIO)](/embedded/GPIO) - [GPIO 腳位定義](http://mikrocontroller.bplaced.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Pinbelegung_f429_v100.html) * 前視圖: ![](/embedded/STM32F429I-DISCO-top.jpg) * 後視圖: ![](/embedded/STM32F429I-DISCO-bottom.jpg) 高度整合開發工具: STM32Cube --------------------------- * [意法半導體推 STM32Cube 新軟體平台](http://www.digitimes.com.tw/tw/dt/n/shwnws.asp?cnlid=13&id=0000370826_EVE7G4MW327YAT5FYLFBA) * [Product overview - STM32Cube making STM32 development easier](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bt1YFG9wErg) (介紹影片) ![](/embedded/stm32cubef4.jpg) * [STM32CubeF4](http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF259243) Key Features - Consistent and complete embedded software offer that frees the user from dependency issues - Maximized portability between all STM32 series supported by STM32Cube - Hundreds of examples for easy understanding - High quality HAL using CodeSonar® static analysis tool - STM32F4-specific middleware including USB Host and Device and TCP/IP stack - Free user-friendly license terms 軟體支援 -------- * [GNU/Linux 端開發環境設定](https://stm32f429.hackpad.com/NOTE-WbiooOfkaoR) * 作業系統移植 - [FreeRTOS](/embedded/freertos) - [ChibiOS/RT](/embedded/chibios) - [nuttx](/embedded/nuttx) - [uClinux](/embedded/uclinux) - [rtenv-plus](/embedded/rtenv) - [F9 microkernel](/embedded/f9-kernel) 具體而微的高整合開放原始碼專案 ---------------------------------------------- * 由歷屆修課學生貢獻的期末專題,完整程式碼以開放原始碼授權釋出 * [從無到有打造的四軸飛行器](https://github.com/ursuspilot/): 含硬體設計、韌體程式碼,以及對應的地面站軟體 * [從訊號處理到作業系統核心都自行開發的電吉他調音器](/embedded/os-team2014-2): 採用自行開發的 [rtenv+](/embedded/rtenv) 作業系統核心,驅動 DSP, ADC, Touchscreen 等週邊 * [土製 3G 手機](/embedded/os-team2014-1): 使用 [FreeRTOS](/embedded/freertos) 搭配自行開發的使用者觸碰螢幕界面,得以透過 3G 模組撥打接聽電話 * [自動演奏吉他的機器人](/embedded/team2013-8) * [可用毛筆寫春聯的機器](/embedded/team2013-11)