版本 64a375e3657caa1704872bfc902146f8b7f4d7c8
Changes from 64a375e3657caa1704872bfc902146f8b7f4d7c8 to ac99b11ed6756680498a5ac3aa1b8c4c7e1aa907
title: ChangeLog
categories: 系統頁面
2012-09-24: Add license in the footer
2012-10-05: 修正匯出按鈕和選擇框高度不同 (by C4Labs)
2012-10-05: 修正搜尋、前往與字串框高度不一問題(by Kuoe0)
2012-10-05: 修正 diff 沒有新增,刪減的顏色(by zero)
2012-10-01: Display icon for uploaded files
2012-10-01: Add license (CC-BY-SA)
2012-10-01: Major change of the theme! Apply bootstrap for pretty look
2012-09-25: Fix the layout problem (centered text) in IE
2012-09-23: Change upload size limit to 48M
2012-09-23: Fix DOM (remove some yui classes)
2012-09-23: Move atom icon into link
2012-09-23: Fix little for W3C validator
2012-09-23: Refactor disqus js
2012-09-18: Move Google analytics code to <head> for webmaster
2012-09-18: Change the max-upload-size to 16M
2012-09-17: Refix the margin
2012-09-17: Fix the margin of lists and blockquote
2012-09-14: Make CHANGELOG non-editable and non-deletable
2012-09-14: Add changelog to category "系統頁面"
2012-09-14: Add an automatic changelog generating script
2012-09-14: Prettify!
2012-09-13: Fix the problem with prettify on preview
2012-09-13: Add support for Google Code Prettify
2012-09-13: Special background for code
2012-09-13: Fix the theme with input[type='button']
2012-09-12: NCKU CSIE Wiki configurartion
2012-09-12: Improve the service script
2012-09-12: Add support for Google Analytics
2012-09-12: Add support for Disqus
2012-09-12: Make it beautiful
2012-09-12: Put text "no logo" to replace the default logo
2012-09-12: Import system-wide css
2012-09-12: Update wiki script for restarting
2012-09-12: Update wiki.conf for a test wiki site
2012-09-05: Add README for usage description and known issues
2012-09-05: My coarse configuration for gitit wiki; Chinese translation