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版本 3d8ee15714bd03394df3d4b60dc28db59e95dc8b


Changes from beginning to 3d8ee15714bd03394df3d4b60dc28db59e95dc8b

- `開放教材/嵌入式系統導論<http://ocw.nctu.edu.tw/course_detail_3.php?bgid=9&gid=0&nid=246#.UHzse3alYs2>`_, 交大資工/曹孝櫟教授
  * Introduction to ARM architecture and extension bus
  * Introduction to Embedded Software

- `EE192C - Embedded Systems Engineering<http://www.cmax.net/ee192c-0708/>`_, Max Klein, Stanford University
  * Lecture 9: Real Time Systems. Interrupts (IRQ and ISR). Timers. Pulse-width modulation (PWM)
  * Lecture 10: IRQ and PWM Follow-up. AVR-SCPNT Development Boards. Real Time Operating Systems. Intro to FreeRTOS: Task Creation.
  * Lecture 11: IRQ updates. Intro to FreeRTOS: Delays, Queues.
  * Lecture 12: Intro to FreeRTOS: Semaphores. Beginning of Hardware section of class