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版本 ff83d06bd9bd1a2f0ba1b870475998d1ddccc746


Changes from ff83d06bd9bd1a2f0ba1b870475998d1ddccc746 to 08e5e2e5c389dc2c7ae1d21b7ffa508128140c97

title: 課程進度與開放資源
categories: embedded, arm, stm32, rtos, kernel, linux, ncku
toc: no

- Instructor: [Jim Huang](/User/jserv) (黃敬群) <jserv.tw@gmail.com>
- 討論區: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ncku.embedded2015
- 共筆: https://embedded2015.hackpad.com
- 參考硬體平台: [STM32](/embedded/STM32F429), STMicroelectronics

嵌入式作業系統設計與實作 (Spring 2015)
====  ====     =======                                 ==========
Week  Date     Subject                                 Assignment
====  ====     =======                                 ==========
#1    Feb 24   [2015q1 Overview]                      *
#2    Mar 3    [2015q1:基本能力鑑定測驗]                        [Lab 38]: ARM Cross-Development Environment
#3    Mar 10   [ARM Architecture + OS Concepts]              [Lab 39]: FreeRTOS
#4    Mar 17   [ARM Exceptions/Interrupts]                   [Lab 40]: Scheduling
#5    Mar 24   [Embedded Linux Conference 2015]               [Lab 41]: 基礎觀念訓練
#6    Mar 31   [ARM and RTOS: Part I]                         確認 [Lab 38], [Lab 39], [Lab 40], [Lab 41] 均充分完成 
#7    Apr 7    [ARM and RTOS: Part II]                       [Lab 42]: Mini ARM OS
#8    Apr 14   [From Hello to Preemptive Scheduler]          [Lab 42]: Mini ARM OS
#9    Apr 21   [Kernel Concepts and Threading]               [Lab 43]: Runtime Behavior
#10   Apr 28   [2015q1:Group Presentation(1)]                *
#11   May 5    [2015q1:Group Presentation(2)]                *
#12   May 12   [2015q1:Group Presentation(3)]                *
#13   May 19   [2015q1:Group Presentation(4)]                *
#14   May 26   [2015q1:Group Presentation(5)]                *
#15   Jun 2    [2015q1:Group Presentation(6)]                *
#16   Jun 9    [2015q1:Group Presentation(7)]                *
#17   Jun 16   [2015q1:Group Presentation(8)]                *
#18   Jun 23   [2015q1:Group Presentation(9)]                *
====  ====     =======                                 ==========

|Week  |Date     |Subject                                 |Assignment|
|#1   | Feb 24   |[2015q1 Overview]    |                  * |
|#2    |Mar 3   | [2015q1:基本能力鑑定測驗]   |                     [Lab 38]: ARM Cross-Development Environment |
|#3    |Mar 10  | [ARM Architecture + OS Concepts]      |        [Lab 39]: FreeRTOS |
|#4    |Mar 17  | [ARM Exceptions/Interrupts]           |        [Lab 40]: Scheduling |
|#5    |Mar 24  | [Embedded Linux Conference 2015]      |         [Lab 41]: 基礎觀念訓練 |
|#6    |Mar 31  | [ARM and RTOS: Part I]                |         確認 [Lab 38], [Lab 39], [Lab 40], [Lab 41] 均充分完成  |
|#7    |Apr 7   | [ARM and RTOS: Part II]               |        [Lab 42]: Mini ARM OS |
|#8    |Apr 14  | [From Hello to Preemptive Scheduler]  |        [Lab 42]: Mini ARM OS |
|#9    |Apr 21  | [Kernel Concepts and Threading]       |        [Lab 43]: Runtime Behavior |
|#10   |Apr 28  | [2015q1:Group Presentation(1)]        |        * |
|#11   |May 5   | [2015q1:Group Presentation(2)]        |        * |
|#12   |May 12  | [2015q1:Group Presentation(3)]        |        * |
|#13   |May 19  | [2015q1:Group Presentation(4)]        |        * |
|#14   |May 26  | [2015q1:Group Presentation(5)]        |        * |
|#15   |Jun 2   | [2015q1:Group Presentation(6)]        |        * |
|#16   |Jun 9   | [2015q1:Group Presentation(7)]        |        * |
|#17   |Jun 16  | [2015q1:Group Presentation(8)]        |        * |
|#18   |Jun 23  | [2015q1:Group Presentation(9)]         |       * |

[2015q1 Overview]: 2015q1w1
[2015q1:基本能力鑑定測驗]: 2015q1w2
[ARM Architecture + OS Concepts]: 2015q1w3
[ARM Exceptions/Interrupts]: 2015q1w4
[Embedded Linux Conference 2015]: http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/embedded-linux-conference
[ARM and RTOS: Part I]: 2015q1w6
[ARM and RTOS: Part II]: 2015q1w7
[From Hello to Preemptive Scheduler]: 2015q1w8
[Kernel Concepts and Threading]: 2015q1w9
[2015q1:Group Presentation(1)]: 2015q1w10
[2015q1:Group Presentation(2)]: 2015q1w11
[2015q1:Group Presentation(3)]: 2015q1w12
[2015q1:Group Presentation(4)]: 2015q1w13
[2015q1:Group Presentation(5)]: 2015q1w14
[2015q1:Group Presentation(6)]: 2015q1w15
[2015q1:Group Presentation(7)]: 2015q1w16
[2015q1:Group Presentation(8)]: 2015q1w17
[2015q1:Group Presentation(9)]: 2015q1w18
[Lab 38]: Lab38
[Lab 39]: Lab39
[Lab 40]: Lab40
[Lab 41]: Lab41
[Lab 42]: Lab42
[Lab 43]: Lab43

進階嵌入式系統開發與實作 (Fall 2014)
====  ====     =======                                 ==========
Week  Date     Subject                                 Assignment
====  ====     =======                                 ==========
#1    Sep 18   [2014q3 Overview`_                       `Lab 31](https://embedded2014.hackpad.com/2014q3-Week-1-mQLneatLPcT): ARM Environment
#2    Sep 25   [ARM Architecture (cont)]                               [Lab 32]: QEMU + FreeRTOS
#3    Oct 2    [ARM Architecture (cont2)]                              [Lab 33]: GDB + FreeRTOS
#4    Oct 9    [ARM Architecture and Interface]                    [Lab 34]: Buffer overflow
#5    Oct 16    [Hardware Concepts Review]               [Lab 35]: STM32F429
#6    Oct 23   [Code Review for Lab 32-33]                [Lab 35]: STM32F429
#7    Oct 30   [Code Review + ELF]                              [Lab 36]: ELF
#8    Nov 6    [Interrupt/Exceptions + RTOS]                    [Lab 37]: Memory allocation
#9    Nov 13   [2014q3:Group Presentation (1)]                            -
#10   Nov 20   [2014q3:Group Presentation (2)]                           -
#11   Nov 27   [2014q3:Group Presentation (3)]                           -
#12   Dec 4    [2014q3:Group Presentation (4)]                            -
#13   Dec 11   [2014q3:Group Presentation (5)`_                           `侯捷 C++ 底層技術課程分享](https://www.facebook.com/events/481983738609693/)
#14   Dec 18   [2014q3:Group Presentation (6)]                           -
#15   Dec 25   [2014q3:Group Presentation (7)]                           -
#16   Jan 1      Happy New Year!
#17   Jan 8    [2014q3:Group Presentation (8)]                             -
#18   Jan 15   [2014q3:Group Presentation (9)]                            -
#18   Jan 17   期末展示                                
====  ====     =======                                 ==========

|Week  |Date     |Subject                                 |Assignment|
|#1    |Sep 18   | [2014q3 Overview]                      | [Lab 31](https://embedded2014.hackpad.com/2014q3-Week-1-mQLneatLPcT): ARM Environment |
|#2    |Sep 25   | [ARM Architecture (cont)]              |  [Lab 32]: QEMU + FreeRTOS |
|#3    |Oct 2    | [ARM Architecture (cont2)]             | [Lab 33]: GDB + FreeRTOS |
|#4    |Oct 9    | [ARM Architecture and Interface]       | [Lab 34]: Buffer overflow |
|#5    |Oct 16   | [Hardware Concepts Review]             | [Lab 35]: STM32F429 |
|#6    |Oct 23   | [Code Review for Lab 32-33]            | [Lab 35]: STM32F429 |
|#7    |Oct 30   | [Code Review + ELF]                    | [Lab 36]: ELF |
|#8    |Nov 6    | [Interrupt/Exceptions + RTOS]          | [Lab 37]: Memory allocation |
|#9    |Nov 13   | [2014q3:Group Presentation (1)]        | - |
|#10   |Nov 20   | [2014q3:Group Presentation (2)]        | - |
|#11   |Nov 27   | [2014q3:Group Presentation (3)]        | - |
|#12   |Dec 4    | [2014q3:Group Presentation (4)]        | - |
|#13   |Dec 11   | [2014q3:Group Presentation (5)]        | [侯捷 C++ 底層技術課程分享](https://www.facebook.com/events/481983738609693/) |
|#14   |Dec 18   | [2014q3:Group Presentation (6)]        | - |
|#15   |Dec 25   | [2014q3:Group Presentation (7)]        | - |
|#16   |Jan 1    | Happy New Year!                        | - |
|#17   |Jan 8    | [2014q3:Group Presentation (8)]        | - |
|#18   |Jan 15   | [2014q3:Group Presentation (9)]        | - |
|#18   |Jan 17   | 期末展示                               | - |

[2014q3 Overview]: 2014q3w1
[ARM Architecture (cont)]: 2014q3w2
[ARM Architecture (cont2)]: 2014q3w3
[ARM Architecture and Interface]: 2014q3w4
[Hardware Concepts Review]: 2014q3w5
[Code Review for Lab 32-33]: 2014q3w6
[Code Review + ELF]: 2014q3w7
[Interrupt/Exceptions + RTOS]: 2014q3w8
[2014q3:Group Presentation (1)]: 2014q3w9
[2014q3:Group Presentation (2)]: 2014q3w10
[2014q3:Group Presentation (3)]: 2014q3w11
[2014q3:Group Presentation (4)]: 2014q3w12
[2014q3:Group Presentation (5)]: 2014q3w13
[2014q3:Group Presentation (6)]: 2014q3w14
[2014q3:Group Presentation (7)]: 2014q3w15
[2014q3:Group Presentation (8)]: 2014q3w17
[2014q3:Group Presentation (9)]: 2014q3w18
[Lab 32]: Lab32
[Lab 33]: Lab33
[Lab 34]: Lab34
[Lab 35]: Lab35
[Lab 36]: Lab36
[Lab 37]: Lab37

嵌入式作業系統設計與實作 (Spring 2014)
====  ====     =======                                 ==========
Week  Date     Subject                                 Assignment
====  ====     =======                                 ==========
#1    Feb 18   [Overview: Embedded Systems and OS]       [Lab 25]
#2    Feb 25   [ARM Architecture Evolution]                        [Lab 26]
#3    Mar  4   [Case: Quadcopter]                        [Lab 27]
#4    Mar 11   [Assignment Review]                    [Lab 28]
#5    Mar 18   [ARM Cortex-M + RTOS Concepts]            [Lab 29]
#6    Mar 25   [ARM I/O, Interrupt, Exception]           [Lab 30]
#7    Apr  1   春假
#8    Apr  8   [Advanced OS Design issues]               :
#9    Apr 15   [Group Presentation (a)]                  :
#10   Apr 22   [Group Presentation (b)]                  :
#11   Apr 29   [Group Presentation (c)]                  :
#12   May  6   [Group Presentation (d)]                  :
#13   May 13   [Group Presentation (d)]                  :
#14   May 20   [Group Presentation (f)]                  :
#15   May 27   [Group Presentation (g)]                  :
#16   Jun  3   [Group Presentation (h)]                              :
#17   Jun 10   Talk: 雲、端、架構                      :
#18   June 17   Group Presentation
#18   Jun 21   Embedded Technology Conference          :
====  ====     =======                                 ==========

|Week  |Date     |Subject                                 |Assignment|
|#1   |Feb 18   | [Overview: Embedded Systems and OS]     | [Lab 25] |
|#2   |Feb 25   | [ARM Architecture Evolution]            | [Lab 26] |
|#3   |Mar  4   | [Case: Quadcopter]                      | [Lab 27] |
|#4   |Mar 11   | [Assignment Review]                     | [Lab 28] |
|#5   |Mar 18   | [ARM Cortex-M + RTOS Concepts]          | [Lab 29] |
|#6   |Mar 25   | [ARM I/O, Interrupt, Exception]         | [Lab 30] |
|#7   |Apr  1   | 春假                                    | : |
|#8   |Apr  8   | [Advanced OS Design issues]             | : |
|#9   |Apr 15   | [Group Presentation (a)]                | : |
|#10  |Apr 22   | [Group Presentation (b)]                | : |
|#11  |Apr 29   | [Group Presentation (c)]                | : |
|#12  |May  6   | [Group Presentation (d)]                | : |
|#13  |May 13   | [Group Presentation (d)]                | : |
|#14  |May 20   | [Group Presentation (f)]                | : |
|#15  |May 27   | [Group Presentation (g)]                | : |
|#16  |Jun  3   | [Group Presentation (h)]                | : |
|#17  |Jun 10   | Talk: 雲、端、架構                      | : |
|#18  |June 17  | Group Presentation                      | : |
|#18  |Jun 21   | Embedded Technology Conference          | : |

[Overview: Embedded Systems and OS]: 2014-w1
[ARM Architecture Evolution]: 2014-w2
[Case: Quadcopter]: 2014-w3
[Assignment Review]: 2014-w4
[ARM Cortex-M + RTOS Concepts]: 2014-w5
[ARM I/O, Interrupt, Exception]: 2014-w6
[Advanced OS Design issues]: 2014-w8
[Group Presentation (a)]: 2014-w9
[Group Presentation (b)]: 2014-w10
[Group Presentation (c)]: 2014-w11
[Group Presentation (d)]: 2014-w12
[Group Presentation (f)]: 2014-w14
[Group Presentation (g)]: 2014-w15
[Group Presentation (h)]: 2014-w16
[Lab 25]: Lab25
[Lab 26]: Lab26
[Lab 27]: Lab27
[Lab 28]: Lab28
[Lab 29]: Lab29
[Lab 30]: Lab30

進階嵌入式系統開發與實作 (Fall 2013)
====  ====     =======                                 ==========
Week  Date     Subject                                 Assignment
====  ====     =======                                 ==========
#1    Sep 17   [Overview: Embedded in our world]      [Lab 19]: QEMU
#2    Sep 23   [ARM Architecture and SoC]             [Lab 20]: GNU Toolchain
#3    Oct 1    [Operating Systems for Embedded]       [Lab 20]: GNU Toolchain
#4    Oct 8    [ARM: Instructions]                    [Lab 21]: RTOS (1)
#5    Oct 15   [ARM: Toolchain and Peripherals]       [Lab 22]: RTOS (2)
#6    Oct 22   [ARM: Interrupts and Exceptions]       [Lab 23]: RTOS (3)
#7    Oct 29   [Code Review]                                       -
#8    Nov 5    [Code Review + Group Presentation(1)]  [Lab 24]: Hardware
#9    Nov 12   [3D Printer + Group Presentation(2)]   -
#10   Nov 19   [Group Presentation(3)]                -
#11   Nov 26   [Speech + Group Presentation(4)]       -
#12   Dec 3    [Group Presentation(5)]                -
#13   Dec 10   [Group Presentation(6)]                -
#14   Dec 17   [Group Presentation(7)]                -
#15   Dec 24   [Group Presentation(8)]                -
#16   Dec 31   [Group Presentation(9)]                -
#17   Jan 7    [Group Presentation(10)]               -
#18   Jan 12   期末展示                                
====  ====     =======                                 ==========

|Week  |Date     |Subject                                 |Assignment|
|#1   |Sep 17   | [Overview: Embedded in our world]      | [Lab 19]: QEMU |
|#2   |Sep 23   | [ARM Architecture and SoC]             | [Lab 20]: GNU Toolchain |
|#3   |Oct 1    | [Operating Systems for Embedded]       | [Lab 20]: GNU Toolchain |
|#4   |Oct 8    | [ARM: Instructions]                    | [Lab 21]: RTOS (1) |
|#5   |Oct 15   | [ARM: Toolchain and Peripherals]       | [Lab 22]: RTOS (2) |
|#6   |Oct 22   | [ARM: Interrupts and Exceptions]       | [Lab 23]: RTOS (3) |
|#7   |Oct 29   | [Code Review]                          | - |
|#8   |Nov 5    | [Code Review + Group Presentation(1)]  | [Lab 24]: Hardware |
|#9   |Nov 12   | [3D Printer + Group Presentation(2)]   | - |
|#10  |Nov 19   | [Group Presentation(3)]                | - |
|#11  |Nov 26   | [Speech + Group Presentation(4)]       | - |
|#12  |Dec 3    | [Group Presentation(5)]                | - |
|#13  |Dec 10   | [Group Presentation(6)]                | - |
|#14  |Dec 17   | [Group Presentation(7)]                | - |
|#15  |Dec 24   | [Group Presentation(8)]                | - |
|#16  |Dec 31   | [Group Presentation(9)]                | - |
|#17  |Jan 7    | [Group Presentation(10)]               | - |
|#18  |Jan 12   | 期末展示                               | - | 

[Overview: Embedded in our world]: 2013-w1
[ARM Architecture and SoC]: 2013-w2
[Operating Systems for Embedded]: 2013-w3
[ARM: Instructions]: 2013-w4
[ARM: Toolchain and Peripherals]: 2013-w5
[ARM: Interrupts and Exceptions]: 2013-w6
[Code Review]: 2013-w7
[Code Review + Group Presentation(1)]: 2013-w8
[3D Printer + Group Presentation(2)]: 2013-w9
[Group Presentation(3)]: 2013-w10
[Speech + Group Presentation(4)]: 2013-w11
[Group Presentation(5)]: 2013-w7
[Group Presentation(6)]: 2013-w7
[Group Presentation(7)]: 2013-w7
[Group Presentation(8)]: 2013-w15
[Group Presentation(9)]: 2013-w7
[Group Presentation(10)]: 2013-w7
[Lab 19]: Lab19
[Lab 20]: Lab20
[Lab 21]: Lab21
[Lab 22]: Lab22
[Lab 23]: Lab23
[Lab 24]: Lab24
[Lab 25]: Lab25
[Lab 26]: Lab26

嵌入式作業系統設計與實作 (Spring 2013)
====  ====     =======                                 ==========
Week  Date     Subject                                 Assignment
====  ====     =======                                 ==========
#1    Feb 19   [課程介紹 + 期初考]                       
#2    Feb 26   [Embedded Operating System Concepts]   [Lab 8] : GNU Toolchain + RTOS ([Sol 8])
#3    Mar  5   [RTOS Characteristics]                 [Lab 9] : Multitasking programming ([Sol 9])
#4    Mar 12   [從火星探測號談 scheduling]                   [Lab 10] : Priority Inversion ([Sol 10])
#5    Mar 19   [ARM Architecture Intro]                     [Lab 11]: Build RTOS for ARM ([Sol 11])
#6    Mar 26   [ARM Architecture Intro] + 月考               [Lab 12]: RTOS Visualization ([Sol 12])
#7    Apr  2   春假                                        
#8    Apr  9   [ARM and Assignment Review]                    [Lab 13]: ARM Programming with GNU Toolchain ([Sol 11])
#9    Apr 16   [I/O, Interrupt, Exception (ARM)]         [Lab 14]: OS and BSP Porting ([Sol 14])
#10   Apr 23   [RTOS Evaluation]                               [Lab 15]: Benchmarking concepts
#11   Apr 30   [Case Study: Train control] + 月考                    [Lab 15]: Validation and benchmarking
#12   May  7   [Tickless scheduling]                                        [Lab 16]: Hardware Enablement
#13   May 14   [Embedded Kernel Design Review]                      [Lab 17]: Tickless scheduling for ARM hardware 
#14   May 21   [Embedded Kernel Design Review-2]                                          [Lab 18]: OS Evaluation for ARM
#15   May 28   [Automotive Linux Summit (Spring)] + 月考
#16   Jun  4    Open Discussion
#17   Jun 11   The End
====  ====     =======                                 ==========

|Week  |Date     |Subject                                 |Assignment|
|#1   |Feb 19   | [課程介紹 + 期初考]                       
|#2   |Feb 26   | [Embedded Operating System Concepts]    | [Lab 8] : GNU Toolchain + RTOS ([Sol 8]) |
|#3   |Mar  5   | [RTOS Characteristics]                  | [Lab 9] : Multitasking programming ([Sol 9]) |
|#4   |Mar 12   | [從火星探測號談 scheduling]             | [Lab 10] : Priority Inversion ([Sol 10]) |
|#5   |Mar 19   | [ARM Architecture Intro]                | [Lab 11]: Build RTOS for ARM ([Sol 11]) |
|#6   |Mar 26   | [ARM Architecture Intro] + 月考         | [Lab 12]: RTOS Visualization ([Sol 12]) |
|#7   |Apr  2   | 春假                                    |  |
|#8   |Apr  9   | [ARM and Assignment Review]             | [Lab 13]: ARM Programming with GNU Toolchain ([Sol 11]) |
|#9   |Apr 16   | [I/O, Interrupt, Exception (ARM)]       | [Lab 14]: OS and BSP Porting ([Sol 14]) |
|#10  |Apr 23   | [RTOS Evaluation]                       | [Lab 15]: Benchmarking concepts |
|#11  |Apr 30   | [Case Study: Train control] + 月考      | [Lab 15]: Validation and benchmarking |
|#12  |May  7   | [Tickless scheduling]                   | [Lab 16]: Hardware Enablement |
|#13  |May 14   | [Embedded Kernel Design Review]         | [Lab 17]: Tickless scheduling for ARM hardware  |
|#14  |May 21   | [Embedded Kernel Design Review-2]       | [Lab 18]: OS Evaluation for ARM |
|#15  |May 28   | [Automotive Linux Summit (Spring)] +月考|  |
|#16  |Jun  4   | Open Discussion                         | | 
|#17  |Jun 11   | The End                                 | |

[課程介紹 + 期初考]: 2013w1
[Embedded Operating System Concepts]: 2013w2
[RTOS Characteristics]: 2013w3
[從火星探測號談 scheduling]: 2013w4
[ARM Architecture Intro]: 2013w5
[ARM and Assignment Review]: 2013w8
[I/O, Interrupt, Exception (ARM)]: 2013w9
[RTOS Evaluation]: 2013w10
[Case Study: Train control]: 2013w11
[Tickless scheduling]: 2013w12
[Embedded Kernel Design Review]: 2013w13
[Embedded Kernel Design Review-2]: 2013w14
[Lab 8]: Lab8
[Sol 8]: Sol8
[Lab 9]: Lab9
[Sol 9]: Sol9
[Lab 10]: Lab10
[Sol 10]: Sol10
[Lab 11]: Lab11
[Sol 11]: Sol11
[Lab 12]: Lab12
[Sol 12]: Sol12
[Lab 13]: Lab13
[Lab 14]: Lab14
[Sol 14]: Sol14
[Lab 15]: Lab15
[Lab 16]: Lab16
[Lab 17]: Lab17
[Lab 18]: Lab18
[Automotive Linux Summit (Spring)]: http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/automotive-linux-summit-spring
[LinuxCon Japan]: http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/linuxcon-japan

進階嵌入式系統開發與實作 (Fall 2012)
====  ====     =======                                 ==========
Week  Date     Subject                                 Assignment
====  ====     =======                                 ==========
#1    Sep 18   [Overview: Embedded - Why and How]     [Lab 1]: QEMU
#2    Sep 25   [ARM Architecture] (Basic)             [Lab 2]: GNU Toolchain + QEMU/ARM
#3    Oct  2   [Realtime Operating System] (Basic)    [Lab 2]s: GNU Toolchain + QEMU/ARM
#4    Oct  9   [Timer, Interrupt, Exception in ARM]   [Lab 3]: GNU Toolchain + RTOS
#5    Oct 16   [RTOS Design and Implementation]       [Lab 4]: RTOS for MCU
#6    Oct 23   [Code review of Lab assignments]       [Lab 5]: RTOS modifications
#7    Oct 30   [Peripherals and hardware interface]   [Lab 6]: Hardware
#8    Nov  6   [Embedded Linux Conference Europe]     分組準備與討論
#9    Nov 13   [Group Presentation (1)]               分組準備與討論
#10   Nov 20   [Group Presentation (2)]               [Lab 6]s: Hardware + Unit Test
#11   Nov 27   [Group Presentation (3)]               [Lab 6]s: Hardware + On-Chip Debugger
#12   Dec  4   [Group Presentation (4)]               [Lab 7]: On-Chip Debugger + semihosting
#13   Dec 11   [Group Presentation (5)]               Hack!
#14   Dec 18   [Group Presentation (6)]               Hack!
#15   Dec 25   [Group Presentation (7)]               Hack!
#16   Jan  1   Happy New Year - 2013                   N/A
#17   Jan  8   Final project review  (and vote)        N/A
#18   Jan 15   Make Your Own System (and profit)       DONE
====  ====     =======                                 ==========

|Week  |Date     |Subject                                 |Assignment|
|#1   |Sep 18   | [Overview: Embedded - Why and How]      | [Lab 1]: QEMU |
|#2   |Sep 25   | [ARM Architecture] (Basic)              | [Lab 2]: GNU Toolchain + QEMU/ARM |
|#3   |Oct  2   | [Realtime Operating System] (Basic)     | [Lab 2]s: GNU Toolchain + QEMU/ARM |
|#4   |Oct  9   | [Timer, Interrupt, Exception in ARM]    | [Lab 3]: GNU Toolchain + RTOS |
|#5   |Oct 16   | [RTOS Design and Implementation]        | [Lab 4]: RTOS for MCU |
|#6   |Oct 23   | [Code review of Lab assignments]        | [Lab 5]: RTOS modifications |
|#7   |Oct 30   | [Peripherals and hardware interface]    | [Lab 6]: Hardware |
|#8   |Nov  6   | [Embedded Linux Conference Europe]      | 分組準備與討論 |
|#9   |Nov 13   | [Group Presentation (1)]                | 分組準備與討論 |
|#10  |Nov 20   | [Group Presentation (2)]                | [Lab 6]: Hardware + Unit Test |
|#11  |Nov 27   | [Group Presentation (3)]                | [Lab 6]: Hardware + On-Chip Debugger |
|#12  |Dec  4   | [Group Presentation (4)]                | [Lab 7]: On-Chip Debugger + semihosting |
|#13  |Dec 11   | [Group Presentation (5)]                | Hack! |
|#14  |Dec 18   | [Group Presentation (6)]                | Hack! |
|#15  |Dec 25   | [Group Presentation (7)]                | Hack! |
|#16  |Jan  1   | Happy New Year - 2013                   | N/A |
|#17  |Jan  8   | Final project review  (and vote)        | N/A |
|#18  |Jan 15   | Make Your Own System (and profit)       | DONE |

[Overview: Embedded - Why and How]: 2012w1
[ARM Architecture]: 2012w2
[Realtime Operating System]: 2012w3
[Timer, Interrupt, Exception in ARM]: 2012w4
[RTOS Design and Implementation]: 2012w5
[Code review of Lab assignments]: https://gitcafe.com/embedded2012/P-jserv
[Peripherals and hardware interface]: 2012w7
[ARM Cortex-M series]: 2012w7
[Microkernel overview]: 2012w12
[Embedded Linux Conference Europe]: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/embedded-linux-conference-europe
[Group Presentation (1)]: 2012w9
[Group Presentation (2)]: 2012w10
[Group Presentation (3)]: 2012w11
[Group Presentation (4)]: 2012w12
[Group Presentation (5)]: 2012w13
[Group Presentation (6)]: 2012w14
[Group Presentation (7)]: 2012w15
[Lab 1]: Lab1
[Lab 2]: Lab2
[Lab 3]: Lab3
[Lab 4]: Lab4
[Lab 5]: Lab5
[Lab 6]: Lab6
[Lab 7]: Lab7