Review 1 ======== I/O -------- 標準的輸入輸出有下列幾種指令 輸入: scanf, gets, getchar, cin...... 輸出: printf, puts, putchar, cout.... 但在比賽時由於需考慮效能所以多使用 scanf, printf 取代cin , cout (因為cin, cout會回去呼叫scanf, printf) 比賽時常見的題型: 1.給測資的數量 Ex: A+B problem int tc,a,b; scanf("%d",&tc); while(tc--) { scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); printf("%d\n",a+b); } 2.以特定值(通常為 0)為中止條件 Ex: Hi, input # /* Until zero */ int n; while(scanf("%d",&n)==1 && n) { printf("Hi, %d.\n",n); } 3.以EOF(End of file)為中止條件 Ex: Hi, input # /* Until EOF */ int n; while(scanf("%d",&n)!=EOF) { printf("Hi, %d.\n",n); } 若題目為指定測資終止條件,則以EOF作為終止條件 Ex: scanf while(scanf()!=EOF) { ... } fgets while(gets()!=0) { ... } cin while(cin >> x) { ... } 1.在每個輸出後面加一個空白行 Ex: A+B Problem /*\n\n */ int a,b,cs=1; while(scanf("%d%d",&a,&b)!=EOF){ printf("Case %d: %d\n\n",cs++,a+b); } 2.每個輸出被空行隔開(最後一個輸出後面不會有空行) Ex: /* Separated */ ... int a,b,cs=1; while( scanf("%d%d",&a,&b)!=EOF){ if(cs>1)putchar("\n"); printf("Case%d: %d\n",cs++,a+b); } ... string token: /* char strtok(char *str,const char *delimiters); str: 欲切割字串 delimiters: 分隔字符字串 return value: 指向當前切割字串之指標,若切割完畢則回傳NULL */ #include ... char str="Welcome to NCKU CSIE. 1*2(3456)78\9"; for( char *token = strtok( str," \"().*");token!=NULL;token=strtok(NULL," \"().")){ puts( token ); } +--------+-------+-------+ | Output | +========+=======+=======+ |Welcome | to | NCKU | +--------+-------+-------+ | CSIE | 1 | 2 | +--------+-------+-------+ | 3456 | 78 | 9 | +--------+-------+-------+ freopen: /*freopen*/ ... freopen("","r",stdin); freopen("f1.out", "w",stdout); while(scanf(...)!=EOF){ printf(...); } ... Time complexity and Sorting ---------------------------- ###Time complexity 由於競賽題目多有時間限制,我們必須分析程式碼的時間複雜度,根據測資的數量判斷程式大概的執行時間,以避免超過題目的時間限制 𝑶(𝒏): for(i=0; i