title: Lab22: RTOS
toc: no
* 在 QEMU 模擬的 STM32 環境中,嘗試執行 `FreeRTOS`_ 並且學習相關的操作
- 熟悉 FreeRTOS 的內部運作機制
* 學習 memory mangement
- 實作 malloc 和驗證其功能
* `The Architecture of Open Source Applications: FreeRTOS`_
- `簡體中文翻譯`_
FreeRTOS: Memory management
- `Memory Management`_
- The RTOS kernel allocates RAM each time a task, queue, mutex, software timer or semaphore is created. The standard C library malloc() and free() functions can sometimes be used for this purpose, but ...
+ they are not always available on embedded systems,
+ they take up valuable code space,
+ they are not thread safe, and
+ they are not deterministic (the amount of time taken to execute the function will differ from call to call)
* 更新作業提案到共筆網站: `Lab 22 / 作業共筆`_,需要標注自己的 ID,可參考 `Lab 20 / 作業共筆`_ 格式
* 在 Oct 25, 2013 前,將符合作業提案的程式碼,提交到自行 fork 的 repository
- https://github.com/embedded2013/freertos
* `FreeRTOS Implementation`_