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Brief Introduction

  • Po-Hsing Wu
  • from Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Contact Information


  • National Feng-Shan Senior High School, 國立鳳山高中 (2010.09 - 2013.06)
  • National Cheng Kung University, 國立成功大學 (2013.09 - now)
    • Bachelor of Computer Science and Information Engineering, 資訊工程學系
    • Undergraduate student of Quantum Information and Network Security Laboratory, 黃宗立教授專題生

Skills and Awards

  • ACM-ICPC Training Team (using C / C++ for algorithm)
    • Second place in Taiwan Information Technology Software Academy Programming Contest (2014)
    • First place in Taiwan Center Area Programming Contest (2015)
    • Excellence award in Information Technology Software Academy Programming Contest (2015, 2016)
    • Excellence award in Taiwan National Collegiate Programming Contest (2014, 2015)
    • One of the speakers in the team (2016)
  • IC Contest (FPGA) Training Team (using Verilog)
    • Pass through the preliminary round in 2015 IC Design Contest (FPGA group)

2016春季班 個人評量


自我評量分數 (1 到 10 級分)