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最簡單的瀏覽方式就是點選頁面中的 wiki 連結,可在 wiki 頁面之間切換。 點選導覽選單中的「首頁」可直接回到 wiki 首頁。 「所有頁面」則會顯示本站所有 wiki 頁面,若頁面在目錄中,則會顯示目錄,你可以點選目錄進到下一層。 除此之外,你也可以使用搜尋功能尋找你要的資料。 需要注意的是,如果你搜尋的是英文單字,必須完整打出。如「gremlins」不可以打成「gremlin」。 最後,「前往」的功能可以讓你直接連結到你指定的頁面。

Creating and modifying pages

Registering for an account

In order to modify pages, you’ll need to be logged in. To register for an account, just click the “register” button in the bar on top of the screen. You’ll be asked to choose a username and a password, which you can use to log in in the future by clicking the “login” button. While you are logged in, these buttons are replaced by a “logout so-and-so” button, which you should click to log out when you are finished.

Note that logins are persistent through session cookies, so if you don’t log out, you’ll still be logged in when you return to the wiki from the same browser in the future.

Editing a page

To edit a page, just click the “edit” button at the bottom right corner of the page.

You can click “Preview” at any time to see how your changes will look. Nothing is saved until you press “Save.”

Note that you must provide a description of your changes. This is to make it easier for others to see how a wiki page has been changed.

Page metadata

Pages may optionally begin with a metadata block. Here is an example:


format: latex+lhs
categories: haskell math
toc: no
title: Haskell and
  Category Theory

\section{Why Category Theory?}

The metadata block consists of a list of key-value pairs, each on a separate line. If needed, the value can be continued on one or more additional line, which must begin with a space. (This is illustrated by the “title” example above.) The metadata block must begin with a line --- and end with a line ... optionally followed by one or more blank lines.

Currently the following keys are supported:

format Overrides the default page type as specified in the configuration file. Possible values are markdown, rst, latex, html, markdown+lhs, rst+lhs, latex+lhs. (Capitalization is ignored, so you can also use LaTeX, HTML, etc.) The +lhs variants indicate that the page is to be interpreted as literate Haskell. If this field is missing, the default page type will be used.

categories A space or comma separated list of categories to which the page belongs.

toc Overrides default setting for table-of-contents in the configuration file. Values can be yes, no, true, or false (capitalization is ignored).

title By default the displayed page title is the page name. This metadata element overrides that default.

Creating a new page

To create a new page, just create a wiki link that links to it, and click the link. If the page does not exist, you will be editing it immediately.

Reverting to an earlier version

If you click the “history” button at the bottom of the page, you will get a record of previous versions of the page. You can see the differences between two versions by dragging one onto the other; additions will be highlighted in yellow, and deletions will be crossed out with a horizontal line. Clicking on the description of changes will take you to the page as it existed after those changes. To revert the page to the revision you’re currently looking at, just click the “revert” button at the bottom of the page, then “Save”.

Deleting a page

The “delete” button at the bottom of the page will delete a page. Note that deleted pages can be recovered, since a record of them will still be accessible via the “activity” button on the top of the page.

Uploading files

To upload a file–a picture, a PDF, or some other resource–click the “upload” button in the navigation bar. You will be prompted to select the file to upload. As with edits, you will be asked to provide a description of the resource (or of the change, if you are overwriting an existing file).

Often you may leave “Name on wiki” blank, since the existing name of the file will be used by default. If that isn’t desired, supply a name. Note that uploaded files must include a file extension (e.g. .pdf).

If you are providing a new version of a file that already exists on the wiki, check the box “Overwrite existing file.” Otherwise, leave it unchecked.

To link to an uploaded file, just use its name in a regular wiki link. For example, if you uploaded a picture fido.jpg, you can insert the picture into a (markdown-formatted) page as follows: ![fido](fido.jpg). If you uploaded a PDF projection.pdf, you can insert a link to it using: [projection](projection.pdf).


This wiki’s pages are written in reStructuredText. If you’re not familiar with reStructuredText, you should start by looking at the primer and the quick reference guide <http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/rst/quickref.html>_. Note that not all reStructuredText constructs are currently supported. Use the preview button if you’re in doubt.

連結到其他 wiki 頁面的寫法為: [頁面名稱 ](). (Gitit 系統會轉換沒有標的之連結為 wikilinks.)

若新增非頁面名稱所標示的連結,可這麼寫: [其他名稱或描述 ](頁面名稱)



[其他名稱或描述]: 頁面名稱

注意:頁面名稱允許包含空白與部份特殊字元。 They need not be CamelCase. CamelCase words are not automatically converted to wiki links.

Wiki pages may be organized into directories. So, if you have several pages on wine, you may wish to organize them like so:


Wine/Pinot Noir
Wine/Cabernet Sauvignon

Note that a wiki link [Burgundy ]() that occurs inside the Wine directory will link to Wine/Burgundy, and not to Burgundy. To link to a top-level page called Burgundy, you’d have to use [Burgundy ](/Burgundy).

To link to a directory listing for a subdirectory, use a trailing slash: [Wine/ ]() will link to a listing of the Wine subdirectory.