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版本 ea181c546331d546325741451b5f38605632d6d0


Changes from ea181c546331d546325741451b5f38605632d6d0 to 58d7ec10f21d1c8eb3e6b2f612ca967365d11500

title: STM32F429
toc: no

高度整合開發工具: STM32Cube
* `意法半導體推STM32Cube新軟體平台<http://www.digitimes.com.tw/tw/dt/n/shwnws.asp?cnlid=13&id=0000370826_EVE7G4MW327YAT5FYLFBA>`_
* `Product overview - STM32Cube making STM32 development easier<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bt1YFG9wErg>`_ (介紹影片)

.. image:: /embedded/stm32cubef4.jpg

* `STM32CubeF4 Key<http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF259243>`_ Features
  - Consistent and complete embedded software offer that frees the user from dependency issues
  - Maximized portability between all STM32 series supported by STM32Cube
  - Hundreds of examples for easy understanding
  - High quality HAL using CodeSonar® static analysis tool
  - STM32F4-specific middleware including USB Host and Device and TCP/IP stack
  - Free user-friendly license terms