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4 matches found for Programming with STM32

  1. embedded/STM32F429 (9 matching lines)
    categories: ARM, STM32, stm32f4, embedded, cortex-m4
    國立成功大學資訊工程系/所自 2012 年,開設一系列[嵌入式系統相關課程](/embedded/schedule),選定 STM32 硬體作為教材,過程中師生共同撰寫技術文件、範例程式碼、工具程式、作業系統核心,以及具體而微的專案,這些都以開放內容、開放原始碼的形式釋出,一方面希望社會各界能夠給予批評指教,另一方面也希望讓學生們日後有更多的選擇機會。
    * [STM32 程式開發流程:以 GNU Toolchain 為例](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ygl6cEGPXUffhTJE0K6B8zEtGmIuIdCjlZBkFlijUaE/edit)
    * On-board ST-LINK/V2 with selection mode switch to use the kit as a standalone
    * ST-LINK/V2 (with SWD connector for programming and debugging)
    * USB OTG with micro-AB connector
      - [GPIO 腳位使用案例](http://stm32f4-discovery.com/2014/04/stm32f429-discovery-gpio-tutorial-with-onboard-leds-and-button/)
    * [Product overview - STM32Cube making STM32 development easier](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bt1YFG9wErg) (介紹影片)
      - Maximized portability between all STM32 series supported by STM32Cube
  2. embedded/schedule (7 matching lines)
    categories: embedded, arm, stm32, rtos, kernel, linux, ncku
    - 參考硬體平台: [STM32](/embedded/STM32F429), STMicroelectronics
    |#5   | Mar 22   | [Object-Oriented Programming & Thread](https://embedded2016.hackpad.com/ep/pad/static/CH64GFFiviW)   | = [2016q1: Homework3](/embedded/2016q1h3) = |
    |#8    |Nov 6  |  [C Programming + ARM](https://embedded2015.hackpad.com/ep/pad/static/7ZSsa98cSKw)  | = [2015q3: Homework7] = |
    |#11   |Nov 27  |[STM32 + Peripherals](https://embedded2015.hackpad.com/ep/pad/static/e3IjL7Kq3Lr) | = [2015q3: Homework10] = 
    |#3   |Mar  5   | [RTOS Characteristics]                  | [Lab 9] : Multitasking programming ([Sol 9]) |
    |#8   |Apr  9   | [ARM and Assignment Review]             | [Lab 13]: ARM Programming with GNU Toolchain ([Sol 11]) |
  3. embedded/Lab6 (5 matching lines)
    - 實際體驗 STM32 硬體操作
    Programming STM32 F2, F4 ARMs under Linux
    - [A Tutorial from Scratch](http://www.triplespark.net/elec/pdev/arm/stm32.html)
      * Introduction STM32, STM32F2, STM32F4
      * Setting up the Hardware: STM32F4Discovery with integrated ST-Link/V2
  4. embedded/Lab24 (5 matching lines)
    * STM32 的 Discovery 系列電路板都附有 ST-LINK (V1/V2),可透過接腳選擇,切換使用自身或外部 debugger
    Programming STM32 F2, F4 ARMs under Linux
    - [A Tutorial from Scratch](http://www.triplespark.net/elec/pdev/arm/stm32.html)
      * Introduction STM32, STM32F2, STM32F4
      * Setting up the Hardware: STM32F4Discovery with integrated ST-Link/V2