- 學習 OpenOCD 的操作與擴充
- ARM Semihosting 機制的應用
ARM Semihost
- 使用 ARM 所開發的目標系統 (target system),不一定會提供所有的輸入/輸出設備。因此 ARM 設計了 semihost 這種機制,讓運行 ARM debugger 的主機可以與目標系統進行 I/O 溝通,以利產品開發
- Semihost 的實作是透過使用定義好的軟體中斷 (SVCs),使程式在執行過程中產生中斷。一旦目標系統上的程式呼叫到對應的指令 (semihosting call),便產生軟體中斷,接著 Debug Agent 就會負責處理此中斷,進行與主機的溝通
- FreeRTOS extensions
- lib/semifs.c
- mbed (mbed.org) target supports semihosted local filesystem, accessible via the mbed USB interface. Should also work with semihosting-compatible debuggers.
- QEMU ARM semihosting
User-mode Emulation
- 透過模擬器執行 printf() 一類需要系統呼叫的 ARM 程式
sudo apt-get install qemu-user-static
cd Labs/Lab7
make factorial
OpenOCD + STM32F4
- OpenOCD 的安裝請見 Lab-6
- ARM On-Chip Debugging demonstration
- Beginner’s look at On-Chip Debugging
- Architecture and Core Commands of OpenOCD
- Command: arm semihosting
- Display status of semihosting, after optionally changing that status.
- “Semihosting allows for code executing on an ARM target to use the I/O facilities on the host computer i.e. the system where OpenOCD is running. The target application must be linked against a library implementing the ARM semihosting convention that forwards operation requests by using a special SVC instruction that is trapped at the Supervisor Call vector by OpenOCD.”
- 適度修改 Makefile 與 OpenOCD 設定檔,使 Host 端可以自動下載 ELF image 到 STM32F4-Discovery 環境中,並且執行程式,預期將輸出以下:
factorial(0) = 1
factorial(1) = 1
factorial(2) = 2
factorial(9) = 362880
的 printf() 呼叫,將改以 semihost 方式執行
- 評分測試方法:
cd Labs/Lab7 && make all auto